Thursday, July 25, 2019

Music Terms You Should Know!

Bass Clef: Also known as F-Clef, this clef tells us the spacing and lining for the Bass notes. The 2 dots are placed above and below the 4th line in a staff.
(Good Boys Do Fine Always) - Lines
(All Cows Eat Grass) - Spaces

Treble Clef: Also known as the G-Clef, this clef tells us the spacing for the Treble notes. This symbol indicates that the second line from the bottom of a staff represents the pitch of G above middle C.
(Every Good Boy Does Fine) - Lines
(F-A-C-E) - Spaces

Whole, Whole, Half, Whole, Whole, Whole, Half: My professor in college actually taught me this term which helped a lot! This is the pattern of whole's and half notes in a major scale. It's like a little life hack... for music!

Middle C: This is the start of C Major... C4 (4th C on the piano), D, E, F, G, A, B

Solfege Scale: This scale is another way of naming pitches in singing... Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti

Sharp: Marked as "#" next to a note, this indicates you to raise the note by a half-step.

Double Sharp: Marked as an "X" next to a note, this indicates you to raise the note 2 half-steps.

Flat: Marked as "♭" next to a note, this indicates you to lower the note by a half-step.

Double Flat: Marked as "♭♭" next to a note, this indicates you to lower the note by 2 half-steps.

Natural: (♮) This accidental symbol is used to cancel a flat or sharp from the preceding key signature.

If there are any more terms you would like to know, give me a holler!!

Ally <3

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