Wednesday, July 17, 2019

When Inspiration Strikes

After finally setting my piano back up, I could already feel the musical inspiration filling my body. I came up with this idea after much consideration and possibility of willingness and accessibility.

My brother is marrying his girlfriend of 10 years in December (god they're perfect together). Though we didn't get along great growing up, I've always considered him a role model and wanted to be like the musician he is. He is amazing playing the viola, piano, guitar and bass! From small children, I admired his perfection in the arts and aspired to be at his level. I would secretly take his CDs and listen to them on my own (I still have a few to this day haha). And that's how I got into rock/metal!

As I'm mainly a vocalist, my wedding gift to him is a song. One of his favorite bands is Avenged Sevenfold so I chose the song Dear God. The lyrics capture a sense of comfort in God asking to watch him as we live so far away from each other now that we're in our mid- to late-twenties.

I'm going to start using this format as a journey, if you would prefer. I would appreciate and love feedback of any kind of videos and posts!

Stay musical ❤ Ally

Music Therapy: A Memoir

As a young child, I discovered that my only safe haven was in my own bedroom. Among the four lilac-colored walls, I would sit at my white, w...