Monday, September 9, 2019

The Strum of a New Day

Since attending Southern Connecticut State University, I've been able to explore my horizons. Thankfully I soared back into a music major. My professors are very understanding when it comes to everyone playing up to pace and works individually if needed. I currently take a guitar class twice a week and I can already feel myself picking it up fairly quick! I, for one, need face-to-face instruction if I'm ever going to learn anything. Learning vocals and then piano has really helped in my transition to practicing guitar. By the way, I am in no way, shape, or form perfected at this instrument... I have just yet mastered the first three frets on each string, haha. It's a skill I've grown to love practicing and I look forward to using it in my future studies!

My next class starts tonight. A couple weeks ago, I ran into the choir director and she asked where I've been the within the past year (I took a hiatus from music to pursue biology... Yeah that failed miserably). I explained to her I needed a year off to think and I'm finally back, and serious, about music. She then asked if I was registered for her choir class and I told her I couldn't because of financial issues. God must have blessed me that day because she told me she's putting me on her roster and I don't have to pay this semester, just take the class for no credit. I'm so thankful to have a professor as understanding as she is. Once a week I can take my stress and sorrows and turn it into beautiful music.

I've learned from the last couple months a very powerful phrase I wanted to share with you:

Focus on you and the rest will come through.

Okay I totally just made it up on the spot but its been resonating with my every day life. For those who may not know, I've been diagnosed with OCD, depression, and anxiety. It's an every day battle yet music helps me conquer the anxious urges. I learned to start focusing on myself and daily habits and forget about the world around me for a hot minute. It's not being selfish, its being self-full. Within the past month, without realizing the otherworldly issues, an out-of-the-blue job opportunity at work sparked my interest and may help my financial issues once and for all! I'm not saying you're going to automatically win the lotto or something crazy like that; just focus on yourself and everything should fall in line. Overcome obstacles with help if you need it, don' be afraid.

I hope you all have a beautifully blessed day 💓


Music Therapy: A Memoir

As a young child, I discovered that my only safe haven was in my own bedroom. Among the four lilac-colored walls, I would sit at my white, w...